Monday, February 25, 2013

GRADUATION PHOTOGRAPHY, PHOENIX PHOTOGRAPHY SHEFFIELD (& the story of the graduate in Lincoln Green)

"A little early in the year for graduation photos?" I hear you saying.

Well normally, depending on the degree, graduations are actually happening all the time - but you're right, Summer is usually the busiest time of year for graduation photography.

This fellow, now happily employed in Bedford, was unable to make his graduation last year, so he arranged a shoot at my studio, as he'd hired the appropriate gear from Sheffield.
He paid £40 for 3 A4 prints in presentation mounts.
I recall a graduation shoot from a few years ago, when the graduate arrived straight from the gown hire shop. We both burst out laughing as he pulled the robe out from the bag and discovered it was a Robin Hood suit!
He'd picked up the wrong bag.
Photoshop hadn't been invented then, so he had to hot-foot it back to the hire shop.
Meanwhile, if you know of any upcoming graduations, please give me the opportunity to offer my services.

Best Wishes & see you next time.

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